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Tax-free Shopping Information

Welcome to Japan !!
Welcome to WATANABE Musical Instruments Shop !!

WATANABE Musical Instruments Shop offer tax-free shopping.
Show your passport !
Let's get a wonderful items !

■Tax Exemption Guide■
Eligible Applicants : Non-Residents who have stayed in Japan for less than six months
Applicable Items : All commodities including consumable items
Eligible Price : <Commodities>
                        A total Purchase (tax excluded) of 10,001 yen or more per person per day
                        A total Purchase (tax excluded) of 5,001 yen to 500,000 yen per person per day
                     *Consumable Items and Non-Consumable Items cannot be calculated together
Necessary Documents : Passport (Copy or Images are not acceptable) with Japan Immigration stamp in it
Important Notes :・Items Purchased tax-free should not be disposed of within Japan.
                          ・You must not remove the "Record of Purchase" card from your passport.
                          ・At the time of your departure from Japan , submit your passport with attached
                             "Record of Purchase" card to the Director of Customs.



・株式会社ワタナベ楽器店   京都府公安委員会 許可証番号 第611029610020号
Tel : 075-231-2778